Thursday, July 24, 2014

PALOOZA WEEK: Media Day Interview - (Goon Squad) Mark Ronchetti

Q.       Mark, every year you guys talk smack. And every year, you don’t win the title. How frustrating is that for you, and is there any sense of embarrassment within the team?
A.      Well Al I personally find this question insulting and offensive. There is never a sense of embarrassment within the team because we know we are the best team. And it isn’t frustrating because if we wanted to win that bad we wouldn’t show up half drunk to the tournament. If we gave 100% every tournament we would have UCLA’d all of you pussies... But with all that being said the Goon Squad has talked within the confines of the team and we have decided that we will in fact be guaranteeing a championship this year. For the 5th straight year we feel like we carry a dangerous roster and will not lose a game this tournament. And yes we will be drunk.

Q.       What adjustments are you guys making this year?
A.    Well over the past couple Paloozas we have seen that hitting is a weak point with the team. We are known for usually having a “black hole” somewhere in our lineup. Last years training with Ryan Braun clearly didn’t pay off. So this year we have been training extensively with Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire. We heard through multiple sources that fast pitching has been banned in Palooza. If anyone tries to throw fast against us we want everyone to know that they will be inciting a riot. We are not scared to fight anyone. Especially the MONSTARS.

Q.       This year’s tournament is for a cash prize. How does that affect focus and preparation?
A.      The cash prize is extremely exciting and is actually going to motivate the Goonies to play for a championship this year. In previous year we have been known to give anywhere between 30-50% effort. This year we hope to give at max 70% effort. If that happens, we will not lose a game. The money we win will be spent on beer for next year’s tournament, when we show up drunk and beat all of you again.

Q.       The Monstars predicted victory last year, and delivered. As a bold predictor yourself, any shrewd words this year?
A.     Yes, Commissioner Dick Cheese, our predictions for this year are in. The Goonies will win every game on average by 10 runs. Our pitching will keep the opponent’s batting average under .100. The monstars may have predicted a championship last year correctly, but they through heat. If they throw heat this year Jeff will charge the mound and beat Kramers ass. We put Jeff through extensive gym training this year just to beat Kramers ass if he throws heat. Bench PR’s – 235, decline – 275 for 3 reps, incline pressed 100 lb dumbbells for 5 reps. Clears the YMCAs machine for tricep pulldowns for 6 reps. Can shoulder press Kramer. Intakes 375 grams of protein per day and takes 14 shits per day. Throw heat you fuck with the realist. You don’t wanna do that. We got thugs in this locker room if you throw heat we bring out the body bags.

Q.       You are arguably the 2nd best offensive player in the history of the game. How much would it mean to win a title for the only organization you’ve ever known?  
A.    Ive been chasing a title for years and this year is looking bright for the organization. As long as none of you pussies pull some slick shit the Goonies will make a playoff appearance and prolly win. Personal acheivements mean nothing without that chip.

Q.       This tournament continues to be successful year after year. As it’s reach spreads, what’s one way you think the tournament could be better promoted?
A.     The monstars throwing heat is completely unacceptable. Yes we realize this question was disregarded but it is irrelevant.

Q.       What are your thoughts on possibly having teams from other parts of the country come in and play in Wifflepalooza? Do you think a team of all stars could beat the palooza all stars?
A.     Prolly the fuck not son.

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