Q. Jake you’ve been the key part of this tournament
since its conception. How proud are you to be doing this for the 8th
A. The word “proud” does not do justice in
describing how I feel about putting this showcase on for an unbelievable 8th
time. Though people may not have thought this would have gone on for this long,
considering the buffoons that are involved, I always believed that we would
last this long and my only hope is that we can continue to put on this
extraordinary event for years to come.
Q. The offseason for your team was an interesting
one. How do you feel about this year’s squad?
A. This year’s squad is one of our best if not our
best ever. Last time I checked we have 5
former all star pitchers and 6 former all star outfielders. No other team in
the tournament can boast that kind of quality. Plus we added Hutch and Kerry,
the two best offseason acquisitions this year hands down.
Q. You’re a great example of the kind of player
that works hard and develops into a contributing star. What do you say to those
who think negatively or doubt the principles that you’ve displayed?
A. I don’t know who thinks negatively of me but if
they do that’s fine, all I do when playing is to try and get on base and score
runs. Plus the tournament is at my house so if anyone thinks negatively of the
way I play or of me, tough shit.
Q. How do you feel about playing for a cash prize
this year?
A. This was a controversial decision, however I
think it is for the best. There is huge potential that a fight may break out
over the speed of pitching and the calls of the umpires (without a doubt
instigated by the goon squad) because people are playing for money. However the
pros of playing for money outweigh the cons. This hopefully should lead to more
competitive games and an overall better tournament.
Q. What do you think can be done, if anything, to
improve the reach and publicity of this tournament?
A. The point we are at I think it is fine, in terms
of the reach of the tournament. We have
not able to sustain permanent fields that can support higher publicity. Until
the fields and the wall are made more permanent, I think the tournament is fine
how it is.
Q. From “the Derecho”, to the creation of the
“Wiffle Torch”, to title game no-hitters, and anywhere in between, what is your
favorite Wifflepalooza memory?
A. The “Derecho” was obviously the worst memory,
and the “Wiffle Tourch” was probably the funniest. But personally my favorite
has to be Wiffle 1. We built the field completely the night before, and we used
two crates as a strike zone. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but Wiffle 1 will
always stand out because, for one, we won the tournament, and two, because it
was the start of our unhealthy obsession with the sport of wiffleball.
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