Friday, July 19, 2024

MLW Network's Top 20 Players Right Now : #10 - Taylor Cheli

Taylor has consistently been one of the top performing hitters over the last 5 years, and appears on our list for the first time. A 2x winner, Cheli will take control of his own team this year for the first time. Taylor ranks 3rd among active players in OPS (1.710), while boasting the 2nd highest batting average among active players as well (.508). Cheli is consistently a threat within a batting order and gets the new squad off to a good start.

2x Champion

4x All-star

2019 Top Rookie

#11 Mike Tedesco

#12 Dylan Clark

#13 Jake Lambert

#14 Sawyer Brown

#15 Kenny Weber

#16 Rick Fifer

#17 T.J Suppi

#18 Johnny Vandercrone

#19 Ryan Hutchings

#20 Al Etter

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