Wednesday, July 24, 2024

MLW Network's Top 20 Players Right Now : #6 - Tony Donato

 Another elite player who's status for WP18 remains unknown, Donato boasts one of the best resume's in tournament history. He's won just about everything there is to win, holding the record for Cy-Young awards with 3, taking it home in 2018, 2020 & 2021. Last season was not his best performance, but he still is clearly one of the best players in the tournament. While he's also a threat at the plate, Tony's at his best on the mound, where he boasts top 10's in a number of categories. He's 1st all-time in WHIP (1.04), 3rd in K's (171), 4th in ERA (2.79), 6th in wins (10) & 7th in innings pitched (98).

2x Champion

4x All-star

3x Cy-young

WP15 Title Game MVP

#7 Brandon McCullough

#8 Ken McCormick

#9 Allen Cruz

#10 Taylor Cheli

#11 Mike Tedesco

#12 Dylan Clark

#13 Jake Lambert

#14 Sawyer Brown

#15 Kenny Weber

#16 Rick Fifer

#17 T.J Suppi

#18 Johnny Vandercrone

#19 Ryan Hutchings

#20 Al Etter

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