Monday, July 29, 2024

MLW Network's Top 20 Players Right Now : #3 - Justin Geri

Geri missed last season due to a scheduling conflict, but comes back this year and boy are the Goodfellas excited about that. Geri can be definitively considered a top 3 player, posing a threat on both the mound and at the plate. The record holder for title game MVP's with 3, Geri ranks top 10 in just about every major category. He is 4th in RBI (90), 4th in bases+ (131), 4th in B+% (58.2%), 5th in HR (34), 5th in total bases (175), 6th in runs (64), 7th in walks (45), 8th in OPS (1.483), and 9th in hits (70). On the mound, he's the all-time leader in ERA (2.43), as well as 3rd in WHIP (1.17), 4th in Wins (14), 5th in K's (146) and 6th in innings pitched (101).

3x Champion

8x All-star

WP2 Top Rookie

2019 Cy Young

3x Title Game MVP

#4 Jeff Ronchetti

#5 Kevin Engasser

#6 Tony Donato

#7 Brandon McCullough

#8 Ken McCormick

#9 Allen Cruz

#10 Taylor Cheli

#11 Mike Tedesco

#12 Dylan Clark

#13 Jake Lambert

#14 Sawyer Brown

#15 Kenny Weber

#16 Rick Fifer

#17 T.J Suppi

#18 Johnny Vandercrone

#19 Ryan Hutchings

#20 Al Etter

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