Wednesday, July 31, 2024

MLW Network's Top 20 Players Right Now : #2 - Billy Jackson

It's hard to be able to rank this high when you don't both pitch and hit, but Billy is the rare exception. Jackson is quickly becoming the most feared hitter around. Also missing last year because of a scheduling conflict, Billy looks to regain his status among the games greats. This is a guy, who flat out just hits everything hard. He's the tournament's all-time OPS leader (1.785) as well as ranking 7th in B+% at 56%.

2x Champion

2x MVP

2x All-Star

#3 Justin Geri

#4 Jeff Ronchetti

#5 Kevin Engasser

#6 Tony Donato

#7 Brandon McCullough

#8 Ken McCormick

#9 Allen Cruz

#10 Taylor Cheli

#11 Mike Tedesco

#12 Dylan Clark

#13 Jake Lambert

#14 Sawyer Brown

#15 Kenny Weber

#16 Rick Fifer

#17 T.J Suppi

#18 Johnny Vandercrone

#19 Ryan Hutchings

#20 Al Etter

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